Perhaps if Papa Francesco was in we would have gone to the church, aka as St. Peter’s Basilica, but in truth we really just went for the nice walk after dinner to enjoy the night views without the crowds, without the noise and without the vendors. It was a long day. […]
At around 1 am the town goes quiet with hardly anyone roaming the streets, except people like me aimlessly wandering through the narrow streets with a camera in tow.
We are, for the first time, not just visiting San Gimignano but staying in the city for a few days. We parked the car at the bottom of the hill and will spent a few days just walking around and exploring all the great gelato places this city has to offer, but really just concentrating […]
What a gong show this journey was. Long story short British Airways cancelled the flight after an issue with the engine – so we got stuck in Seattle. We were booked to go through Houston, then London but by the time the reservation was confirmed, printing issues, we were too late to go through security. […]
While I am trying to find some time to catch up on the last two days of posts here is a quick update from Rouen. Our last thing to do in Rouen today was to see the great Cathedral Light and Sound Show. It is similar to what we saw at the Quarries of Light […]
Rouen is a very cool city, well worth a good visit or two. We loved Metz, but Rouen I think is going to be a bit more special to us. This is a wonderful city with a lot of great places to visit and explore. The city has a great atmosphere, it has great shops […]
Tonight we set out to see the Old Antalya at night. At night Antalya comes alive. It seems that as the temperature drops down to a more manageable and cool 28C at 10:00 pm everyone comes out to enjoy the city. The shops in the old town are open until 11;30 pm, all cafes and restaurants […]
All that you can hear right now in the middle of the night at Buccia Nera are crickets. It is almost midnight and it is still 25C outside, there are no bugs and it is absolutely fantastic.
We are back in Salzburg for a couple of days. This time, while it is still quite cool, there is sunshine and blue skies. We can finally see the mountains surrounding this great city. While today we only took a quick stroll it was great to see some of the old places we visited without […]
It is very rare that we are out late at night which is a shame because the city looks totally different at night. Great accent lighting on all the major monuments in the old town and empty streets – make for a charming stroll through the city.
We are slowly beginning to understand how winter works here. When it snows, you get out to take a picture of it, because by noon most of it, if not all of it is gone. We had snow here now on and off for the last two days. There are places in the city where […]
We finally got a chance to see Kasia and Volker today, we have not seen Kasia since last year. We stepped out for a coffee at a movie theatre. We also found out that the movie theatre by our house, is the new Dolby Atmos theatre. Who knew! Now we are going to have to […]
After a long drive around the lake, we went back to the old town in Lazise for a dinner and a quick stroll on the promenade in search of a new gelato place to try On the dinner menu was sturgeon, I had to try it, as I have never seen it on the menu […]
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