When the sun is setting and we are lucky to be back home, the sky lights up with a thousand colours like it is on fire which is contrasted by the insanely green hills and reflected over the village homes – all 6 of them.

When the sun is setting and we are lucky to be back home, the sky lights up with a thousand colours like it is on fire which is contrasted by the insanely green hills and reflected over the village homes – all 6 of them.
We are on our way to Copenhagen. It is about a 150 km drive from Odense across the Great Belt Bridge or Storebæltsforbindelsen in Danish (say that fast 3 times). Looks like it will be a great day, not too hot, 18C with a bit of sunshine.
All of the sudden and out of nowhere the sky turned red. We jumped to the window to see what was on fire! The sky was. It turned bright red and back to normal in a matter of about 5 minutes. I managed to only snap a few shots before the spectacle went away. […]
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