House Of Music

Villa Medici has a different look and feel to it in a daylight.  Last night I just wanted to get to bed, today I had a chance to walk around this place, in its endless maze of hallways and rooms that lead to even more hallways and rooms.  This place is truly huge and on the inside it looks nothing like its external walls.  Did I mention how huge this place is…  I also found that one of the many concert rooms has a router that is having the best reception in the entire house.  Reliable WiFi, the visit is almost complete.



All the rooms have a balcony that leads from room to room

All the rooms have a balcony that leads from room to room


The car that got me here.

The car that got me here.

When the big brown doors open the is the driveway.

When the big brown doors open the is the driveway.


A Chapel in case of praying emergency and a breakfast room are in this wing

A Chapel in case of praying emergency and a breakfast room are in this wing

There is a great room whenever two or three hallways meet

There is a great room whenever two or three hallways meet


One of 4 music rooms I counted, in this part of the house.

One of 4 music rooms I counted, in this part of the house.


Gardens everywhere

Gardens everywhere

Balconies and terraces

Balconies and terraces



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