Today the girls came over for a coffee and dessert. Allie and Eveliana had a cappuccino whereas Gemma decided to go straight for dessert a home made Crème brûlée. Delicious.

Today the girls came over for a coffee and dessert. Allie and Eveliana had a cappuccino whereas Gemma decided to go straight for dessert a home made Crème brûlée. Delicious.
I have no idea what this is called – but triple bombastic custard, liqueur and caramel bomb would be a very good approximation. There are eight pieces of sponge like pasty each the size of a cream puff. Each is filled with custard and soaked in liqueur, then immediately covered with some caramel to keep […]
This then is a traditional Polish dessert. It is only made in certain parts of Poland and it is now Boris’s favourite dessert. A basic sękacz is made of 60 eggs, a lot of butter, milk and a bit of flour. A large sękacz will be made of 80 or more eggs. Once batter is […]
Placed stragegically close to our hotel is Budapest’s legendary – New York Cafe. Voted as one of 10 most beautiful cafes in the world – this newly renovated cafe was a longtime center for Hungarian literature arts and poetry, right from its opening on October 23, 1894. This truly is a dazzling and spectacular place, […]
We are taking a little break from all the walking we did today. When in Malmo, Sweden – Ambrosia is your place to go for a nice coffee and some spectacular desserts!
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